About Me
I’m a writer and editorial consultant in both new and traditional media.
My articles have appeared in more than thirty different publications, from such consumer books as Parade and Metropolis to such business publications as Direct and Journal of Commerce. My specialized topics are: marketing; food and travel; film and video; design and architecture; and motorcycles and popular culture. Other skills include editing and producing newsletters.
In addition, I co-authored Table for One: New York (2001), about solo dining in the city for the traveler as well as the resident; lectured across the country on queer design; as well as conceived and wrote several screenplays.
The Rider's Digest
I write about motorcycles and popular culture for The Rider’s Digest, which was established about 20 years ago by despatch riders (motorcycle couriers or messengers) for despatch riders, hence the name of the book. The first link is to the current issue; the others are to two of my more popular articles.
Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know
The International Journal of Motorcycle Studies
The International Journal of Motorcycle Studies is the academic journal that examines motorcycles in the context of the study of popular culture. Here are two book reviews I wrote for it.
Other Articles
I live tweeted my adventures going at The Antiques Roadshow. Next thing I knew, I was asked to turn the posts into an article.
Despite being an ardent and dedicated fan of Firefly, the editor was uncertain about what Steampunk is. The result is the following piece.
Academic Work
In addition to the pieces I publish in the International Journal for Motorcycle Studies, my academic work involves papers about queer space and design originally presented at conferences across the country in the mid-1990s.
The first, Toward Identifying a Gay or Lesbian Aesthetic in Interior Design, was presented at Design Pride 94, billed as the "First International Design Conference for Lesbian and Gay Architects and Designers", held in honor of Stonewall 25. The Keynote Speakers were Frank Israel and Stanley Abercrombie. Henry Urbach, Herbert Muschamp, and David Revere McFadden were among the others who presented at the conference.
The second paper, Staggering Tapestries, was presented a few months later at an American Institute of Architects (AIA) conference on diversity in San Francisco. The panel was moderated by Dan Lansner. The other panelist was Aaron Betsky, who would go on to write Queer Space (1997), one of the better, earlier books on the subject.